Christi's Story
“When I was 26 weeks pregnant I was hospitalized for a condition called HELLP syndrome. My blood pressure was sky high and I was having raging headaches and nosebleeds. I was told that my liver and kidneys would soon shut down and I could die. I was not given an option to continue the pregnancy. My daughter Macy was delivered by Caesarean section weighing a pound and a half. She was a fighter. She had wonderful care and is today a healthy and strong 21-year old woman. Every time I read about another attempt to impose limits on decisions that should be made between a pregnant woman and her doctor, I think - that could be me. If my tiny fragile daughter had not survived, the operation to save my life in 1997 might in today’s rhetoric be termed a “late-term abortion.” Today, in some states, the decision to deliver my baby and save my life would not have been made by a doctor, but by a legislature. And it is likely that neither of us would be here.” - Christi Hayes, posting on Pantsuit Nation two weeks ago